I’ve read the first three books in the Stephanie Meyer series: Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse.
Even though they’ve been at the top of the bestseller list for months and months, I’ve been reticent about reading them. Typically I stay away from anything that has to do with vampires.
I asked a friend of mine, who widely reads books targeted at teens, if she had heard anything about the series. She responded that she loved them and that they were her favorite books to give away right now. So I picked up the first in the series and the rest is history.
Now, even though I’m still not wild about the whole vampire thing, these are very good and very innocuous reads. Not as good as the Harry Potter series but very engaging nonetheless.
The vampires that are the main characters in Meyer’s story are actually on the side of good (right alongside the werewolves). The teenage love story is one of the most chaste I’ve read in books marketed to teens. And, there’s a pretty good line of adventure in each.
If you know someone who loves to read or you’re trying to get someone to learn to enjoy reading . . . Twilight is a good place to start.
*If you’ve read one or all of them I’d love to hear what you think. I haven’t seen the movie yet either, so please write your review.
My parents have read all the books, and we all went to see the movie together, along with my sister. We loved the movie and I’m now about two thirds of the way through the first book.
So far I am enjoying it. I loved the first three books from Anne Rice’s vampire chronicles, but these books are quite different and original.
I just finished the series this past weekend. I loved the saga as a whole but I’m not crazy about the fourth book and the way its written but still everything I expected from the author. I heard the movie isn’t great if you have read the books but people who haven’t read them like the movie. I also heard that Stephanie Meier is writting a fifth book from Edwards point of view. Should be interesting. I’m also not usually fond of anything to do with vampires (I’ve tried Ann Rice and she scares me as does the HBO series True Blood) but I look at it as fiction and just a good story.
I’m glad you wrote about this. I guess you don’t knwo what you don’t know.
I was kind of annoyed at the series’ populartity based on what I had assumed the content to be.
Well, you know about “assumed…”
…I guess it still applies.
Anyhow, if you had to put an age range on it, what would you say – not readable/suitable for children under the age of ????
I’ve got a 5th grader that loves to read – would you recommend against it or for it?
The thing I appreciated most about the series is that they do have a chaste relationship. As fantastical and fictional as the series is, I love that their relationship does carry evidence of real-life morals.
I have mixed feelings on the movie. Unfortunately, I have the sinking feeling they may Hollywoodize future movies in the series. Though I hope to be proved wrong.
The question has been raised, “How old should someone be to read the ‘Twilight’ series?”
I would recommend against letting anyone younger than a teenager read the series. Even though the series is sexually “chaste,” they do bring up strong romantic and sexual subjects.
One of the disturbing things about Stephanie’s books is that MANY children are reading them. They were not written for children!
I deeply appreciate parents caring enough to ask the question.
Greg my niece got me hooked on this series & I loved it.I dont normally read this genre. I really liked how the romantic parts were handled. I did see the movie & I hope the next one is better!
Saw the movie with my husband and daughter last week. Loved it! We were impressed by the fact that there was not any foul language, visible violence or sex. (The violence was implied but not shown)
A classic story of good versus evil with a great love story thrown in! I have not read the books yet, but the entire book series is wrapped under the Christmas tree for my daughter!
Sadly the books are always better than the movie. So sad
i enjoyed the books when I read them, there were a few things that were irritating in the series but none the less they kept me reading through the night. The fourth book had a rocky start, I nearly gave up on finishing it during the pregnancy section and I did not like when the POV switched from Bella to Jacob. Overall the first book was the best of the series. The movie was very good considering it didn’t have a bottomless budget or A list actors. i imagine their going to get better as the actors get more comfortable and there’s more money to play around with.
Don’t get me wrong I loved the books and the film but like most things they weren’t perfect. This film is becoming very “scene” I’m afraid it will be the next Nightmare Before Christmas, and that scares me. Hot topic is already selling Twilight band aids and other junk. Hot topic has a way of wrecking everything that hits its shelves.
“This film is becoming very “scene” I’m afraid it will be the next Nightmare Before Christmas, and that scares me. Hot topic is already selling Twilight band aids and other junk. Hot topic has a way of wrecking everything that hits its shelves.”
There was a whole South Park episode about Hot Topic and the vampire/Twilight phenomenon, it was hilarious.