Looking forward to teaming up with Alex Absalom, Matt Smay, Brian Bloye and Kim Hammond at Exponential West to lead the “Transitioning to Missional” Forum.
Remember … the church on mission will always be attractive. Join us this October at Saddleback to hear more.
“As part of the new pre-conference gatherings at the upcoming Exponential West conference (Oct. 6-9) at Saddleback Church near Los Angeles, Exponential is bringing together five missional thought leaders to help church planters and leaders wrestle with key tensions unique to transitioning a church to missional.
“When Jesus challenged the crowd in John 6 to ‘eat my flesh and drink my blood,’ thousands of people turned their backs and walked away from Him,” says Greg Nettle, president of Stadia and leader of the Transitioning to Missional Forum. “However sad that made Him, His focus was not on attracting a huge crowd above making disciples who could make disciples. God’s chosen instrument of discipleship in the world today is still the local church. But a transition must take place–the shift from purely attractional to missional/attractive. The church on mission will always be attractive.”
Attendees at the Transitioning to Missional Forum at Exponential West 2014 will get a front-row seat to this vulnerable conversation. The Forum hosted by Stadia will feature Greg Nettle (Stadia, RiverTree movement), Alex Absalom (RiverTree Christian Church), Matt Smay (Missio), Brian Bloye (West Ridge Church and Launch network) and Kim Hammond (Forge America, Community Christian Church).”
Read more about the “Transitioning to Missional” Forum here.