The SYNERGY Edge learning community gathers for the first time next week at RiverTree. 22 churches from across the country have made a 2 year commitment to learn together about the transition from attractional church to missional that is attractive.
What it’s really all about is how do we make disciples that make disciples? More than 120 leaders will gather to pour energy, seek God’s face and humbly serve one another on this journey.
Why? Because the church in the U.S. is in alarming decline. Less than 18% of the population is involved with a local Christian church of any denomination, stripe or color. Because the local church remains God’s chosen instrument of change in the world, the beautiful Bride of Christ, that which against the gates of hell cannot stand. Because the New Testament knows nothing about a follower of Jesus who is not a part of a local church. Because the church matters to God and MUST matter to us. Because the future of the church is brighter than ever!
Please pray for this gathering of leaders. We begin our time together on Tuesday, March 13 and conclude on Thursday, March 15.