In one hour I’m heading to the airport. In one hour I’ll begin a monstrous 24 hours of travel to the Middle East. In one hour I will begin a pilgrimage that is designed to draw me and the 20 brothers who will be traveling with me closer to Jesus.
About one year ago a philanthropic foundation made it possible for me to invite twenty church planters who are involved with Kingdom Synergy Partnerships to enter into a discipleship journey that includes this trip of a lifetime. So, for the past 12 months, we’ve been meeting together regularly to learn from one another, encourage one another, to prepare for this spiritual pilgrimage together. And now is the time.
For the next 15 days we will walk where Jesus walked. We will open each day with morning prayers and close each day with evening communion. We’ll laugh as we make cultural faux pas and cry as God breaks our hearts. We’ll grow closer to one another and closer to Jesus. That’s what you do on a spiritual pilgrimage.
“If we go humbly, get down underneath the surface noise, and wait on God in the silence of our hearts, there is no telling what we may hear, what we may discover, in what ways we may be changed.” –Tom Wright