ReJesus is Alan Hirsch’s latest book. You might remember Alan from his very important book, The Forgotten Ways. In ReJesus Alan (co-authoring with Michael Frost) calls the church and all of us as individuals back into a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what difference the way Jesus lived should make in our own lives.
Hirsch writes: “We remain convinced that it is Christology that remains even more foundational and therefore the primary issue. We have elsewhere asserted that it is Christology (the exploration of the person, teaching, and impact of Jesus Christ) that determines missiology (our purpose and function in the world), which in turn determines our ecclesiology (the forms and functions of the church).”
And, “Let’s get our Christology right and then dare to place all our deeply held desires for how to do church at its service. Not vice versa.”
I found ReJesus to be both challenging and enlightening–a must read for every person who is serious about following Jesus and especially if you are in a leadership role in the local church.
Pick this one up!