I’m in Lima, Peru with my wife and daughter loving on children at risk–high risk. This morning we visited a Compassion International child survival program (one of the many things I love about Compassion). The child survival program works with kids still in the womb through two years old.
The highlight of visiting a csp is a home visit to one of the families involved in the program–A family living in extreme poverty. Today’s visit was to a family of four (mom, dad, 18 month and 5 year old daughters) living in a 15 by 10 room. The size of our walk-in closet!
After the home visit our team boarded our bus and drove ten minutes to the local mall where we had lunch. We had a hard time choosing where to eat in the food court . . . Burger King, China Kitchen . . . we landed at KFC. After lunch Julie, Tabs and I made a quick stop at Starbucks–no kidding!
As we were departing the mall, my 11 year old daughter, Tabitha, looks up at Julie and me and asks, “Mommy and daddy, how come so many people don’t have anything when there is so much right here?”
Hmmm . . .