This morning I spent an hour praying in the cafeteria at Northwest High School. Actually, I was one of about one hundred followers of Jesus that gathered to pray prayers of blessing for the students, teachers and community at large.
Northwest School District has not passed a levy in 17 years! Consequently, they are facing some of the most serious financial issues I’ve ever seen a school confront. Aside from the obvious . . . teachers are struggling to maintain a positive attitude, students are feeling uncared for, the community is divided.
But there is hope.
As we prayed I couldn’t help but rejoice in the fact that 100 people were praying IN THE SCHOOL! That God delights in bringing the greatest light from the deepest darkness. That we may no longer be able to pray before announcements or in homeroom, but nothing can stop us from praying at home, in the parking lot, on the street.
I believe with all my heart that God’s power is unleashed through the prayers of His people. I also believe that those same people are the answer to many of the prayers that we pray.
I can’t wait to see God’s Kingdom springing forth alive and well in the Northwest School District!
I spoke to Pastor Greg and Pastor Al but I wanted to let you all know. What a truly wonderful event that was. I really enjoyed and felt blessed to be able to participate in such an event. It was organized in a wonderful manner which was very helpful to specific prayers. Well thought out and very much appreciated.
Keep following God’s leading as he is taking you amazing places.
Renee’ NW resident) I didn’t get a chance to speak to the youth pastor and didn’t catch his name but please let him also know that …well…he did a wonderful job and it was so appreciated to be brought before the Lord in such a way.
We too were there Saturday morning and witnessed what God’s love can do. It was truly a blessing to be a part of the many people that showed up to pray for the school board, the staff, the volunteers, the students, the parents and the community. We will continue to keep this issue in our prayers. May God Bless,
Doug and Paula G.