China has banned all “sexually suggestive” commercials from radio and television. No station may broadcast an ad for sexual-performance drugs such as Viagra or for drugs that treat herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases. Ads for women’s lingerie deemed to be “vulgar” are also now prohibited. “Sexually suggestive ads and bad ads not only mislead consumers and harm public health,” said the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, “but are socially corrupting and morally depraving, and directly discredit the radio and TV industry.” Since August, nearly 1,500 ads have been yanked from the airwaves.
Now, I’m not a prude. But watching a television program with my eight year old daughter has become a bit of an adventure with our own U.S. proliferation of sexually suggestive advertisements. Trying to teach my daughter to be a die hard Cleveland Browns fan is challenging enough without every other commercial being for Cialis.
Perhaps we can learn something from the other side of the world?
On the local front, I must say I was pleasantly surprised that the devleopers of “the Strip” have turned down Hooters’ attempt to buy the old Joe’s Crab Shack building (which sits very near Chuck E. Cheese).
I find that I spend most of my time watching Boomerang, even long after Sierra has gone to bed. I’ve grown quite fond of The Justice League, Superfriends, and Space Ghost. (If it’s not that, it’s documentaries.) There’s just nothing else decent on!