My friend, Tom, sent me his Christmas “bucket list” that he wrote to help him get more out of Christmas this year. I loved the idea so I put a list of my own together in hopes that we’ll all experience a more meaningful Christmas.
1. Hold a baby and think of God’s love for me.
2. Bake sugar cookies with my kids–use star cutouts–and read the story of the wise men following the star from the East. (Matthew 2:1-12)
3. Take communion and remember that Bethlehem means “House of Bread” and that Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.”
4. Stand outside on a quiet night and sing “Silent Night.”
5. On Christmas Eve, before going to bed, read the Christmas story (Luke 2:1-20) with my family.
6. Give Starbucks gift cards to people who need to experience holiday cheer while I’m out running errands. (This reminds me of the surprise of God’s love.)
7. Pack two backpacks full of Christmas gifts for our sponsored children in Ecuador (Inte and Samantha). Tabitha and I will be traveling to visit on January 2nd!
8. While listening to Tabitha’s choir concert, think about the angels singing the announcement of the birth of Jesus.
9. On Christmas day, sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus with those gathered around our dining table.
10. Listen to Shawn McDonald sing “O Holy Night.” (Unexpected Gifts album.)
What’s on your “Christmas bucket list?”