A week from today I depart for Tanzania, Africa. The primary purpose of my trip is to visit cottages that RiverTree partnered with Compassion International to open. The cottages provide a home for children who have been orphaned as a result of the AIDS pandemic.
While in Tanzania I’ll also have the privilege of meeting two of the children Julie and I sponsor, Bakari and Godfrey. Last night we were packing backpacks full of gifts for me to take to them. It’s an amazing thing to think about actually meeting the children we have been writing and for whom we have been praying.
And since I’ll be in Tanzania . . . I thought I might as well climb Mount Kilimanjaro!
Kilimanjaro is 19,400 feet at the summit. The climb will take 6 days (four up and two down). The team leader of our Elders, Tom Patton, will be making the climb with me. I’ve been training for about six months now.
Why climb? For one thing, I’m just wired for adventure. But more important, we’re getting sponsors for our climb that are making pledges for every foot we ascend. 100% of the raised resources will be used to open new Compassion cottages.
Please keep us in your prayers.