Tomorrow I depart for Africa.
I’m experiencing a myriad of feelings. Excitement. Angst. Hope. Fear.
Our actual climb of Kilimanjaro begins Friday, August 29. We will begin our climb at 4,600 feet. On day one we will climb to 8,860 feet and spend the night. On Saturday we will climb to 12,200 feet and spend an extra day to acclimate our bodies to the altitude. On Monday we will climb to 15,430 feet and spend a sleepless evening (It is difficult to breath at this altitude). Tuesday at midnight we begin our final summit ascent to 19,400 feet.
This final leg of the climb is by far the most challenging. It is an 18 hour day. The first 6 hours will begin in the dark. We’ll climb at a 27 degree incline. The temperatures will be sub-zero. It will be like walking in sand due to the volcanic scree. Sounds like fun!!!
The last two days will be our descent.
Next Tom (my climbing companion) and I will head to the Compassion projects. We’ll get to meet the children our families sponsor in Tanzania. We’ll visit the cottages that RiverTree helped start that provide homes for children who have been orphaned as a result of the AIDS pandemic. This is the part of the trip that I am most looking forward to.
I have been gaining partners in climbing Kili that are sponsoring me for every foot climbed. 100% of the funds raised will go to begin new cottages for the orphans in Tanzania. Currently I am at $30,000+ in funds committed. Yeah God! More incentive to reach the summit.
I’m taking a satellite phone with me so that I will be able to blog throughout this journey (even from the summit!).
I covet your prayers as you (in spirit) travel with us around the world.