It’s nearing 1 AM in Northern Ohio. I just recently arrived home from Quito, Ecuador. At the end of our day yesterday (Friday), we celebrated our trip at a wonderful restaurant called Terrazzo, located on the top floor of a high rise in downtown Quito. My goal of the dinner was to cast vision for what God can do in Ecuador.
Halfway through the dinner, I realize that all is not right in Greg Nettle’s stomach.
When we arrive back at our accomadations at 10 PM, I quickly bow out of two conversations to relieve myself of “Montezuma’s Revenge.” (I know I am perhaps over-sharing, but not every time you follow God, everything ends up rosey!)
For the next five hours I am in bed with stomach cramps.
Our plan is to fly home the next day . . . Saturday. We all need to be up at 5 to be on the bus with all our luggage at 6, to head to the airport.
At 4 AM a strong pounding is heard on our door. Steve awakened and realized that the electricity is out not only at our accomodations in our hostel but also at half the surrounding city.
“Pack your bags in the dark and pray that our bus driver will be here as scheduled!” Steve yells.
I’m still feeling ill–After spending the night with cramps and chills–I think I actually whimpered–“Let the adventure begin!” This is what I was born for!
Brian hops into a shower with no lights and discovers that our water is electrically heated! Nothing but cold!
Our driver shows up on time. (Brian tips him extra$$$ for being there for us). We load up and head to the airport.
And here we are . . . 19 hours later . . . at home.
Mucho gracias God!!!