Another Exponential Conference has come and gone. The effects of the conference are here to stay.
I brought three leaders with me to Exponential this year–their first time. They were blown away. They loved the authenticity of the speakers, the willingness for leaders to relationally connect, the relevance of the topics.
Team Stadia, you hit it out of the park! Magical. Scott Todd was inspiring, the pool party brought us all together, I’ll never go to another Hard Rock without thinking of Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18 and Gate-Crashers.
Todd Wilson once again was masterful in his leadership of Exponential. Kudos for bringing Geoff Surratt into a leadership role as well.
Rick Warren was, well, Rick Warren. Always insightful, always candid, always repeatable. “We now have 1 billion people in the world who are dying of malnutrition. We also have 1 billion people in the world who are dying of obesity. 1 billion people who are dying because they don’t have enough to eat and 1 billion people who are dying because they are eating too much. We need to do something about both problems!”
I know there are people who believe that the missional movement is simply another fad. That it will soon pass along with Gen X services and seeker-targeted weekends. I, however, believe that even should the term fade away, the impact will transition the Western Church in an essential way–we will become a movement of disciples who make disciples–we will be the church on mission which is very attractive.