My friend and fellow follower of Jesus, Greg Spillman, sent me this reminder this morning:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Rejoice! Again I say Rejoice!, says Paul in Philippians. Today is an awesome day.
I was moved in the middle of the night to send this reminder out. Matthew 28:18 tells us that All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. He is sitting on His throne right now and he is doing His thing. And be assured that we can trust that He knows what He is doing. Our prayers have been lifted up, and they have been heard. Vote today and rejoice. The outcome is His. May we all be filled with a joyful heart and worship Him fully with whomever is elected this day.
Holy, Holy, Holy is our God.
To Jesus Christ the Lord, our King be given the honor and glory at today’s end.
Peace be with you all.
You should’ve seen the south entrance of the atrium today.. I was there for b-ball @ 5:30.. by 0600 there were several hundred people outside.. Trent