I recently sat with a group of Kingdom leaders. We were asked to respond to one question: With everything you’re leading, what’s the biggest dream you want to see happen in the next 3-5 years? Wow! Not an easy question. A lot to sift through, pray about, process and simplify.
My response?
To transition the church in the U.S. to a movement of disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.
1. Through new church planting domestically.
This entails 10 catalyst cities with 5 churches opening per year in each city.
2. Through new church planting globally.
This entails church planting in partnership with Compassion International and U.S. network churches in 6 key countries with 10 churches opening per year in each country. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Cuba and North Korea.
3. Through learning communities focused on churches committed to making the transition to disciples who make disciples.
40 churches per year in learning communities through the SYNERGY initiative.
4. See Northern Ohio become a great light for Jesus.
5. 150 GoCommunities as part of the RiverTree movement.
This is the dream. This is the vision. This is something to which I can give my life.