Last night I took my daughter, Tabitha, to Cleveland to see Disney On Ice. Actually, three of the dads from my Thrive Group took their daughters.
The show was horrible (the skating was even low quality). BUT, I would do it all again in a heartbeat to spend a memorable night with my 11 year old daughter.
When I was in Ecuador with Fernando Puga (the Compassion Director of the country) last week, he made the statement to me that 80% of the problems in the Ecuadorian families could be solved if dads would start being fathers. I’m not sure it’s so different here in the U.S.A.
It’s easy for me to come up with excuses . . . I’m too busy, work is too demanding, I just want to chill at the end of a long day . . .
I suppose that if I don’t make the time to be a “father,” I’ll find my relationship with my daughter is skating on very thin ice.