God Through RiverTree 2011–the year in review

At the close of each year, our RiverTree staff puts together a list of highlights to share with our Elders.  This year we thought it would be great to celebrate with our entire church family what God has been doing . . .  This is just the tip of the iceberg. It was a...


Once again another year comes to a close.  For some it was a very good year … for others … What did we learn?  How has God changed us?  What would we do differently?  What do we want to remember?  What do we want to forget? Here are the questions I use to reflect on...

My all-time favorite Christmas recordings

Everyone has their favorites … here are mine. My 12 all-time favorite Christmas recordings     “The Christmas Song” by Maren Ord, from Christmas Songs.         “Silent Night” by Sixpence None The Richer, from The...

My Christmas bucket list

My friend, Tom, sent me his Christmas “bucket list” that he wrote to help him get more out of Christmas this year.  I loved the idea so I put a list of my own together in hopes that we’ll all experience a more meaningful Christmas. 1.  Hold a baby...

Simple Thanks-Giving

So, this Thanksgiving morning . . . here are some simple and not so simple things for which I am thankful.         *That my children love and actually “like” one another.        *Big mountains to climb.       *RiverTree and the beautiful bride she is....

Thanksgiving traditions

This past weekend in our gatherings, Alex Absalom and I shared several traditions that may help make the Thanksgiving holiday  even more meaningful.  Throughout the week, as I asked people if they had any Thanksgiving traditions, I received some fascinating answers:...