Kids Plant Church For Kids

Last Thanksgiving, I led a Stadia/Compassion International Vision Trip to Ecuador.  This trip was unique in that everyone traveling were close personal friends and collectively, our 10 children (ranging in age from 6th-11th grade) were traveling with us.  The week was...

Join Me for Breakfast with Gene Appel

Gene Appel has become a great partner with Stadia in starting new churches. In fact, Eastside has pioneered our work in Mexico, planting churches where Compassion International can care for hundreds of children through child development sponsorship programs. Really...

Top 5 moments from Exponential East

*Presenting the Wess Stafford “Too Small To Ignore” award to Ben and Shaina Thompson. I have watched this young church planting couple for several years and they truly model what it means to value children. *Meeting the up and coming Stadia church planters. What a...

Why Every Child Needs A Church

ALL children are at risk. There are dangers and diseases that stem from poverty and there are dangers and diseases that stem from prosperity. Throughout my travels to some of the darkest points of poverty on the planet I have witnessed firsthand the dangers and...

Learning From Leaders

I recently had the opportunity to spend the day with a small group of high capacity business and church leaders.  (Thanks to Bob Buford for being such a gracious host!)  I took several pages of notes as I learned from these amazing guys.  Here are some of my...

Join Me In Praying . . .

This Easter weekend more than 60,000 people will gather in Stadia new church plants around the world. 60,000 people that God loves deeply. 60,000 people that desperately need to know the amazing, life-transforming hope that Jesus brings. Would you please join me in...