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More About: Lori Tapia

Rev. Lori Tapia serves as the National Pastor for Hispanic Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the US and Canada, the first woman and first Mexican-American elected to this position. Additionally, Pastor Lori is a church planter, an author, a community activist and a public speaker. Lori serves with a passion for relevantly sharing Jesus, for empowering others, and for building and maintaining strong and faithful relationships, and healthy communities of faith.  

Lori received her Master in Divinity from Claremont School of Theology, receiving the prestigious Church of the Good Shepherd Preaching Award and the Disciples Seminary Foundation Award. Lori has over 25 years’ experience in community, family and social service programming.  

Rev. Tapia has brought her vision to fruition in the development of programs such as: 

  • After school programs for two school districts 
  • Family Resource Center
  • I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) Chandler 
  • Y.A.L.E.- Young Adult Leadership Experience for the Obra Hispana  
  • Domestic Violence, substance abuse and community-based programs focused on strong communities, family, the vulnerable, women, & children  
  • Mentoring Programs for youth, pastors, lay leaders and women 
  • Leadership development programs, vision, mission and strategic planning and development in the non-profit sector and the Church 

Pastor Lori, who was born and raised on the Arizona-Mexico border, is proud of her Mexican American heritage and has worked bi-nationally to increase awareness and develop programs enhancing quality of life around health issues, youth and family. She works extensively with the Latino community, and on social justice issues such as immigration, poverty, racism, equity, human trafficking and women’s rights. She is passionate about her first ministry, family and loves life alongside her husband, Martin, three children and nine grandchildren.   

Hello! Nice to Meet Me: a journey to the most authentic you 
Available in English and Spanish
Kindle ebook and print available on Amazon or autographed copy at  

Book Contributor:
Seeking God’s Design: Disciples’ Quest for Unity and Wholeness
Richard H. Lowery, Chalice Press:2019 

 Wellsprings of Hope: Prayers for a Prophetic New Vision for Disciples
Richard Lowery, Editor, Chalice Press:2020