Top 5 Summer Fun Reads

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon The Martian by Andy Weir The Boys In The Boat by Daniel James Brown The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick Catch Me If You Can by Frank Abnagale   What fun summer reads would you...

Climbing 4 Kids

On July 15th, 2014, I and five other climbers, will begin 3 days of mountaineering in the peaks of Colorado. We will attempt to summit a total of 4, 14,000+ foot high mountains in three days! The total vertical ascent of our climbing endeavor for the 3-day/4-summit...

The Role of an Executive Pastor

My good friend, Gary Dolan, has been Executive Pastor at Rivertree Christian Church for the past 24 years.  He shares some great wisdom in this video.  Check it out.

A Powerful Prayer

This is a prayer I memorized early in my ministry . . . Lord, send me anywhere only go with me. Lay any burden upon me only sustain. Sever any tie that binds, except the tie that binds me to Thy heart and to Thy service. –David Livingstone...