My top 5 favorite classic books

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo                 Great Expectations by Charles Dickens               To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee                 A...

Best Advice…Worst Advice

The Christian Standard magazine recently asked me to share one of the best and worst pieces of advice I have received when it comes to ministry. Best advice: Wess Stafford, then President of Compassion International, was mentoring me on how to disciple my own...

How to Prepare for Weekend Teaching

I recently spoke with Todd Clark and he shared practical advice to help prepare yourself for a weekend teaching time.  I personally identified with his insight and think that others will too!  

Top 5 ways to bless your children as they head back to school

Many of us have children that have started back to school. If you’re like me then you want them to be blessed and be a blessing in their school experience. 1. Get to know their teacher(s). Pray for them often. 2. As often as possible, before school, pray with your...

An interview with Jen Antonucci

I recently asked Jen Antonucci to share important things she’s learned as she and her husband plant a new church in Las Vegas.  I especially like the wisdom she shares regarding children.