Planting Missional Life: Q & A On GoCommunities

We had been teaching for four weeks in our weekend gatherings about GoCommunities.  Our public launch was impending and people (rightfully so) still had lots of questions.  Sooo, we set aside a weekend to simply answer questions.  Lots of questions.  People in our...

Planting Missional Life: Go And Make Disciples!

It’s all about making disciples.  Are you a disciple of Jesus?  Are you a disciple-maker for Jesus?  The truth is that if you are not a disciple-maker for Jesus then you are not a disciple of Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20:   Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have...

Planting Missional Life: Who Do You Love?

This is week three in our teaching series, Planting Missional Life.  Al Dangelo walks us through Luke chapter 10 and what it means to find, interact with and build a relationship with our “Person of Peace.” We often think that evangelism is really hard,...

Planting Missional Life: Influencing Every Nook And Cranny

In week two of our teaching series, Planting Missional Life, Alex Absalom does an excellent job of teaching us about the history and relevance of how the early church influenced its neighbors and neighborhoods in Jesus’ name. I find Alex’s exegesis of the...

A Prayerful Response

Father, I know that the Presidency of Stadia is a sacred entrustment from you.  I pray that I will invest this trust wisely.  May you and you alone receive glory, all glory, both now and forever. I thank-you for allowing me to be part of a church like RiverTree for...