To My Daughter On Her 13th Birthday

You are my sunshine.  Always have been.  Always will be. Late one night, shortly after you were born, I held you in front of our Christmas tree.  I prayed, “God, please help Tabitha grow up to be a woman who is deeply in love with you.”  I knew at the time what that...

What I Wish The Church I Lead Knew

My friend, Jen Taylor, recently wrote a blog post that generated quite a bit of cyberspace discussion:  What Pastors Wish You Knew (  She writes, “So I asked about two dozen Pastors what they wish the people in their church knew.”...

58: Fast Living

I’ve known Scott Todd for several years now.  I first became acquainted with him when he was leading an initiative to help stop the AIDS pandemic in Africa.  Today, Scott is a champion not only to put an end to the AIDS crises but also to eradicate world...

7 Billion To Serve . . . Today

That’s right, global population hit 7 billion people today! October 31st, 2011 is a day that goes down in the history books.  In 1900 we were at 1.6 billion and by 1999 we had eclipsed 6.1 billion.  Since 1987 we’ve grown from 5 billion to 7 billion!...

Why I Climb

When I mention to someone that I am getting the itch to climb a mountain once again, the most frequent response is a vacant stare followed by a series of queries as to why in the world would anyone want to do that?  At that point it would be easy to allow the...