The Big 5-0 . . . For The Children!

Hey Friends, On July 28th, 2012, I turn 50.  Ouch!  Sooo, Julie asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday?  I responded, “Summit a mountain!”  Julie’s reply?  “Pick one that I can climb with you.”  And so, on July 25th, Julie and I will be heading to Central...

Summer reading recommends

This past week I was unplugged from internet and cell reception for 7 days.  Wonderful days.  Important days. I would begin each morning at 6 sitting by the Clarion River . . . praying, reading God’s Word, journaling, listening to and thanking God for this time...

Live to climb another day

Every year 9000 people attempt to summit Mount Rainier.  Every year 4500 make it to the top–50%.  This was statistically true for our group of climbers.  8 attempted, 4 summitted.  For the first time in my climbing experience I made the decision to return to...

Dream Big

I recently sat with a group of Kingdom leaders.  We were asked to respond to one question:  With everything you’re leading, what’s the biggest dream you want to see happen in the next 3-5 years?  Wow!  Not an easy question.  A lot to sift through, pray...