Father, I know that the Presidency of Stadia is a sacred entrustment from you. I pray that I will invest this trust wisely. May you and you alone receive glory, all glory, both now and forever.
I thank-you for allowing me to be part of a church like RiverTree for the past 22 years and in the years to come. For the faithfulness of your people that has allowed this new partnership to come to pass. I celebrate all that you have done and will do in and through your people.
I pray that you will enable me to lead faithfully, boldly and humbly.
I believe with all my heart that you desire more from your church in the United States of America. May you use us as a catalyst of change that brings light and hope to all the peoples of the world. Protect us as we move forward against the powers of darkness. Empower us as we fight for the lives of children at risk. Give us great vision to see beyond the things of this world to a world where your Kingdom reigns. A Kingdom in which thousands of new churches unite together to transform lives and communities in Jesus’ name.
Father, I ask for a generous spirit to bless as we have been blessed. I ask for a spirit of collaboration where it matters not who gets the credit—where only the name of Jesus is lifted. I ask for the ability to live an authentic life, a life that echoes the Apostle Paul, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” I ask for a sense of urgency . . . urgency to see millions more in Heaven both now and forever.
In Jesus’ name,