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25 years ago I received a crystal clear call from God to move from Dublin, Ireland-where I had been involved in planting a new church-and move to Northern Ohio to become the leader of what is known today as the RiverTree Movement. Over the years I have stated numerous times that a crystal clear call from God brought me to RiverTree and it would take a crystal clear call to move me elsewhere.
Much to my surprise, that call from God has come . . . and it is clear as crystal.
God has been writing the story of my life. A story that is passionate about people who are far from God, a story that has absolutely wrecked my heart for children at risk and a story that has led me to a deep conviction that planting new churches around the world is the single most effective way for me to leverage out my life to see millions of people enter into God’s Kingdom right here and now and for all of eternity.
Continuing this story, the Elders of RiverTree have unanimously both recognized and affirmed this call of God on my life and as a result they are sending me to serve as the full-time President of Stadia.
In 2013 alone, Stadia will plant 44 new churches (23 in the United States and 21 throughout Latin America). Thousands of children will be rescued from poverty in and by these churches. Communities and lives will literally be transformed forever.
My love for RiverTree continues and my family’s plan is to remain within the RiverTree movement. We are simply now being sent to a new season of ministry.
God has called and I am responding. I pray that you will join me in this effort to see millions more in Heaven.