This past week I went snowmobiling with three other Pastors. We all met in Chicago and then drove six hours to Northern Wisconsin (We had to get to where the snow is!). Snowmobiling is a blast! It actually enhanced my prayer life . . . One prayer went something like this “God, thank-you for the beauty of that lake and the snow on the pines.” Another prayer went something like this, “Oh God, please don’t let me hit that tree!”
As much fun as the sledding was, the best part was by far the time spent with my friends. We’re all about the same age. We all Pastor churches of about the same size. And we all struggle with many of the same challenges in life. We intentionally get together about three times a year.
We talk about how to stay healthy. How not to sleep with someone other than our wives. How to keep our egos in check. In other words, we trust one another and we love each other enough to ask honest questions and give honest answers.
Staying pure isn’t easy. Becoming like Jesus takes people around us who are willing to encourage us but also to say the hard things.
Do you have people like that in your life?