Over 53 million people of Hispanic descent live in the United States.
Two-thirds of all Latinos living in the U.S. were born in the United States.
Of those, 96% speak primarily English, with more than 60% speaking only English.
22% (16 million) of all U.S. children under age 18 are Hispanic. 1 in 5 children in the U.S. Are Hispanic!
Over 85% of all followers of Jesus decide to accept Him between the ages of 4 and 14.
Church planting is the most effective means of sharing the Gospel. So Stadia plants churches that intentionally care for children. We see a great need to reach this fast-growing population by planting churches that reach Latino children.
Stadia’s first step was to partner with the Praise Chapel Church Planting Movement and earlier this year, I had the opportunity to interview my friends who are leading the way. Next week, during Stadia’s Banquet at Expo West, I will have the opportunity to reconnect with Larry Neville, Omar Lopez and Javier Sollis and share an update on how our partnership to start at least 10 churches that reach 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos is progressing.