I spent the weekend with Mike Foster, affectionately known as the “Porn Pastor.” Mike co-founded xxxchurch.com, a ministry dedicated to loving people in Jesus’ name who happen to be involved in the pornography industry or who struggle with the use of porn. More recently, Mike has developed another web-based ministry: theporntalk.com. Theporntalk.com is an amazingly useful tool designed to help parents talk to their children about sexuality and the damaging effects that pornography can have in their lives. (By the way, the average age that children experience porn online is 11 years old.)
Mike and I have become very good friends over the years. He is a cutting edge emerging leader and more importantly, one of the most committed Christ-followers that I know. Here are some of the takeaways from my time with him:
*Buy the Daughtry CD. Great rock and roll.
*Tell as many people as I can about theporntalk.com web-site.
*Read Made To Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.
*Subscribe to the podcasts, This week in technology and formiproject.
*Check out the magazines, Adbusters and Mental Floss.
*Watch the television show The Office.
*Go to a Coldplay concert.
Check out Mike’s blog at www.ethur.org.