March 9th through the 12th, Stadia and Compassion International partnered together to take 26 leaders on a vision trip to experience child sponsorship and church planting firsthand. The location was Santa Elena, Ecuador.
I had the privilege of being on that trip. Here are my top five experiences of the week . . .
*Seeing my friend Kenton meet his newly sponsored little girl for the first time.
*Listening to Christian (yes, that’s his real name) play and sing a worship song at his home. Christian and his entire family recently became followers of Jesus at a newly planted Stadia/Compassion church. Click here to watch video.
*Seeing the hope in eleven-year-old Stephanie’s face. Because of their involvement in a new Stadia/Compassion church plant, Stephanie’s mom and dad made the decision to follow Jesus. As a result of their decision to follow Jesus . . . they also decided to get married. Stephanie couldn’t be happier.
*Four months ago, 10 kids from Ohio, ages 11-17, made the decision to plant a church in Ecuador. In six weeks they raised more than $80,000 to fund the plant. I had the privilege of visiting the site where this new church will open this Fall. Click here to watch video.
*As a result of this trip at least 8 new churches will be planted.