I was reading this morning in the Book of Acts. Particularly the conversion of Saul–who would become known as the Apostle Paul. God says that “Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings . . .” (Acts 9:15)
For Paul, who was raised as a devout, highly educated Jew, the mission to take the message to the Gentiles would have been the most demeening imaginable. The Gentiles were the scum of the earth.
You and I are called to the same mission as Paul–to take the message to those the world deems undesirable. Those who may not look like us, speak like us, live like us.
What caught my attention this morning was the second group that was included in the mission of Paul. “Saul is my chosen instrument to take the message to the Gentiles and kings . . .”
Certainly the Bible is consistent in stating that the poor, downtrodden and outcasts have a special place in God’s heart. But God also cares for kings. He cares for people in prominent and powerful positions.
You and I are called to the same mission as Paul–to take the message not only to those that have been cast aside, but also to those who are spiritually broken but happen to be esteemed in the eyes of society.
The Good News of Jesus Christ is good news for all people.