Last Thanksgiving, I led a Stadia/Compassion International Vision Trip to Ecuador.  This trip was unique in that everyone traveling were close personal friends and collectively, our 10 children (ranging in age from 6th-11th grade) were traveling with us.  The week was incredibly special.  We saw firsthand the difference a local church makes in the lives of families.  We participated in “a day in the life” experience, where each family partnered with a local family and went to work alongside them.  We spent a day with our Compassion kids — playing, swimming and sharing a meal together.

On the last evening of the trip, we were talking about what the week had meant to us — things that surprised us…inspired us…moments that we would never forget.  And, we talked about how to take the experiences from this particular week and “re-enter” our normal day-to-day culture.  As we sat there that evening, the kids began to talk about how they could make a difference by raising money to plant a church in Ecuador.   I encourage you to click the link below and read their story.

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